Blog Posts by Date | tag: 'git'

How to use git pre-commit hooks, the hard way and the easy way

September 15, 2021 / 12 min read / 123,431 views, 34 likes, 12 comments


If you've heard of git pre-commit hooks, but you aren't sure what they are or how to get started with them, you are in luck! In this guide, we'll talk about what git pre-commit hooks are and why you should consider using them. We'll then talk about how to write your own git pre-commit hooks, and then we'll talk about the pre-commit framework which can make setting up git pre-commit hooks easy.


How to git rebase main/master onto your feature branch even with merge conflicts

September 04, 2021 / 2 min read / 212,668 views, 36 likes, 31 comments

Git rebase

Does your project prefer git rebase instead of git merge? Has your branch fallen out of sync with the main branch and you are unable to automate your rebase due to conflicts? If so, you might have run into rebase hell. This happens when you try to git rebase, solve your conflicts, and push to the main branch, only to find that the main branch is now, once again, out of sync in a never-ending loop. Let's break out of rebase hell with this short guide to rebasing.