Net Worth Calculator

Use this net worth calculator to calculate your financial net worth. Then check out the tables below to compare your net worth with the net worth of others in your demographics. Having a sense of your financial net worth and an idea of how others similar to you are faring can help you make informed decisions about budgeting, saving and your employment needs.

What is net worth? Net worth is simply a calculation of all of your financial assets minus your financial liabilities. Assets are things you own (including things you have a loan against). These are things like savings and retirement accounts, or your car or house. Your income is not included in your assets. Liabilities are things you owe. These are things like loans and credit card debt.

A note on wealth. Net worth is not the only measurement of wealth. People with low financial net worth and higher incomes can can lead a financially wealthy lifestyle. And people who are happy, healthy and have strong relationships can be considered wealthier than those with high financial net worth who lack such things.


Estimate the current value of your house (and any other real estate you own).
How much money is in your checking/savings accounts and cash on hand, venmo, etc.
How much money do you have in 401(k)s, IRAs, estimated pensions, and other retirement accounts.
How much money is in brokerage accounts, stocks, bonds, cryptocurrencies, etc. available today.
Estimate the current value of your car(s), motorcycle(s), boat(s), and other vehicles.
Estimate the value of your antiques, jewelry, valuables, business assets, etc.


What's the total remaining amount you owe on your mortgage(s) for all properties.
How much credit card debt do you owe? (total, not monthly payments)
Do you have any personal loan debt (i.e. from family or friends, payday loans)?
How much do you owe in student loans? (total, not monthly payment)
How much total do you owe on your vehicle(s)? (total, not monthly payment)
Do you have any other debts? (i.e. medical bills, business loans, etc.)

Families Median Net Worth by Demographic

Below are families' median net worth by demographic. You can compare your estimated net worth against these demographics to see how you are faring compared to others in similar situations. Why use median instead of average? Median numbers tend to be more reflective of the population, because averages can be skewed by very large numbers (positive or negative). The net worth values in this chart come from the 2020 Federal Reserve Survey of Consumer Finances, and the income values from the first table come from a DQYDJ breakdown of the United States Census Bureau's Annual ASEC survey for 2020.

Median Net Worth by Income Percentile

Income Percentile 2016 2019 Percentage Change
Bottom 20% (~<$26K) $7,100 $9,800 37%
20-40% (~$26-51K) $31,500 $44,000 40%
40-60% (~$51-81K) $94,200 $92,900 -1%
60-80% (~$81-132K) $181,500 $199,100 10%
80-90% (~$132-187K) $421,700 $382,300 -9%
90-100% (~$187K+) $1,732,300 $1,589,300 -8%

Median Net Worth by Age (in years)

Age (in years) 2016 2019 Percentage Change
<35 $11,700 $13,900 19%
35-44 $63,600 $91,300 44%
45-54 $132,100 $168,600 28%
55-64 $199,200 $212,500 7%
65-74 $237,600 $266,400 12%
75+ $281,600 $254,800 -10%

Median Net Worth by Education Level

Education Level 2016 2019 Percentage Change
No high school diploma $24,300 $20,500 -16%
High school diploma $71,300 $74,000 4%
Some college $70,200 $88,800 26%
College degree $310,700 $308,200 -1%

Median Net Worth by Race or ethnicity

Race or ethnicity 2016 2019 Percentage Change
White non-Hispanic $181,900 $188,200 3%
Black or African American $18,200 $24,100 33%
Hispanic or Latino $21,900 $36,200 65%
Other or multiple race $68,800 $74,500 8%

Median Net Worth by Housing status

Housing status 2016 2019 Percentage Change
Owner $246,200 $255,000 4%
Renter or other $5,300 $6,300 18%

Median Net Worth by Urbanicity

Urbanicity 2016 2019 Percentage Change
In metro-area $105,300 $126,000 20%
Not in metro-area $93,300 $90,400 -3%

Median Net Worth by Percentile of net worth

Percentile of net worth 2016 2019 Percentage Change
<25% $100 $300 131%
25-50% $42,300 $57,300 36%
50-75% $204,000 $224,100 10%
75-90% $643,400 $652,700 1%
90-100% $2,539,300 $2,598,700 2%