File Renamer

The File Renamer GUI is built with the Kivy GUI framework. It's a pretty simple app that takes in a few inputs (a prefix, a list of file extensions, and a folder) which it uses to rename all affected files (prefix_1.ext, prefix_2.ext, ...). More to come in this section in the future.

The app is packaged to an executable with PyInstaller so that it can be run with a double-click of the mouse. That way the end user doesn't need to install Python, create a virtual environment, update dependencies, run from the command line, etc. The app's code can be found at this GitHub repository. In the future I have plans to write blog posts on how to write Kivy applications and how to package applications with PyInstaller. Look for updates to this page with that info.

File Renamer GIF

Download executable here:

  • File Renamer for Mac (currently unavailable)